Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
The Catholic Church supports education and encourages parents to prepare their children for Christian living. St. John School provides this atmosphere as an agency of the Church to reinforce parental efforts to share faith values with their children...As an institution of learning, St. John School strives toward open communication between students, parents, and staff while holding high religious and academic expectations of students, parents, and staff as they work together for the common good of Catholic education.
For the complete philosophy, please see the Student Handbook.
All paid staff must have on file both BCI and FBI background checks and must attend "Protecting God's Children."
All volunteers must have on file a BCI background check and must attend "Protecting God's Children" no matter how much or how little contact they have with children or youth, no matter if volunteering for the school or parish, and no matter what time of the day or night they volunteer.
Catholic schools of the Diocese of Columbus shall be open to children of parent(s) or guardian(s) who seek the religiously oriented education which Catholic schools can provide. Schools shall recruit and admit students of any race, color, gender (except those schools supporting a single gender according to their mission) or ethnicity to all its rights, privileges, programs, and activities.
Preference shall be given to members of Catholic parishes. Others shall be welcomed on the basis of availability of spaces at the discretion of the Pastor and/or the Principal. Pastors and Principals must refuse admittance to anyone who in their opinion seeks to enroll for the purpose of circumventing the law.
For the complete Diocesan Policy, please see the Student Handbook.
St. John School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethical origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration or its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Drugs (legal or illegal), look-alike drugs, over-the-counter drugs, all illegal drugs, and drug paraphernalia, defined as banned substances. Banned substances are not to be used, possessed, bought, or sold on the property of St. John School or St. John Church. This applies to all school-related events held off the school property.
Anyone who is using, selling, buying, or has any of the substances mentioned above in his/her possession shall be brought to the attention of the building principal or the principal's designated representative. The Principal or the Principal's designated representative shall prioritize student safety in all situations.
To report suspected abuse of children on parish grounds, please call 855-O-H-CHILD (855-642-4453), an automated telephone directory through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services that links callers directly to a child welfare or law enforcement office in their county.
Volunteer Code of Conduct.doc